If you or your loved one is battling anxiety, you should know that you are not alone! As human beings, it is customary to get worried about intense situations. The problem is if it is frequent and when this escalates to affect your normal daily activities. Before shedding light on the remedies, it is essential to know exactly what triggers anxiety and fear in people. Anxiety and fear are caused by various factors ranging from psychological, biological, and even challenging life experiences. Whichever the cause, it is crucial to managing both anxiety and fear. Although this disorder can be daunting, the good news is that both anxiety and fear are manageable. This article covers some of the plausible tips to fight anxiety and fear.
Don’t Try to Be Perfect
According to research, perfectionists are more vulnerable to fear and anxiety. Nothing wrong with trying to do your best. But you need to know that you can’t control situations and circumstances. Sometimes things don’t go your way but you should stay positive. You may wake up to a bad day either to work or wherever. So, if things don’t work perfectly as you would have wanted, try to be satisfied with the little or plenty you have achieved. Life is bombarded with lots of stresses and it is crystal clear that none can be perfect. Setbacks will happen as long as you are human. But do you have to burn with anxiety and fear every time the dice don’t roll well?
Just don’t try to be too perfect, and you will significantly manage your anxiety and fear issues.
Talk about your Fears
In counseling victims of a tragedy such as genocide, they are often advised to share their experiences with other victims. This tactic works because victims come to realize that they are not suffering alone. Others recognize that other victims faced more pain than them. In the end, they come to terms with the situation. This approach also works for anxiety and fear. Try to share your worries with your friends, partner, family members, or anyone closer to you. Don’t bear the burden on your own! You can also seek help from a professional to help you manage the condition.
Treat Yourself
At the end of the day, it is you that matters the most. You might have had a long day, and you are exhausted, bored, disturbed, or simply not happy. It is more detrimental to sit and wait for happiness to come naturally. Take the initiative and go out to treat yourself!
You can take your favorite meal in your favorite spot, take a country walk, or call for a massage, etc. Just find a good way to treat yourself because this will take away your mind from stress, worries, fears, and anxiety.
Don’t Avoid your Fears
Avoidance is not the ultimate solution. How long is it enough to avoid your fears? Perhaps your worries won’t go anywhere as long as you exist. The best remedy is to face them. Maybe they will start to fade and become nothing like fear again. If, for example, you panic talking in public, try doing more public talks. Many people have done this successfully. Why not try it out?
Think of the Worst that can Happen
Think about the worst thing that can happen. You need to ask yourself whether there is a chance of that thing happening. You will be surprised that what you fear has a near-zero chance of happening to you. So why worry when what you fear won’t happen? Thinking this way will make the fear senseless and thus disappears.
Control your Thinking Pattern
Fear and anxiety all emanate from your thoughts. It, therefore, goes without saying that controlling your thoughts is vital in demystifying fears and anxiety. Negative thoughts are the genesis of worries and anxiety. If they root in your mind, these thoughts can make the situation worse. Take control of your thinking pattern. Try to avoid negative thoughts and tune your brain into positive thoughts. Remember, practice makes perfect. It might be daunting initially, but time is a master healer. With time, your brain becomes used to positive thoughts, and your fears disappear as well.
Identify your Triggers
Before fighting your fears, you need first to identify what your fears are and what triggers them. Your fears could be obvious, less obvious, long-term, or short-term. Once you have a good understanding of your fears, you can try to keep them in check. Well, you can classify your fears as to whether you came to tame them in person or you might need help. Also, knowing the source helps you devise mechanisms to avoid them and stop the fears.
Return to Basics
You could be having fear and anxiety because you changed the basics. Maybe you started sleeping late or not eating well, to mention but a few. Your new norm might be stressing and giving you more worries. The direction of drugs and alcohol won’t cure your problem. They are just temporary. Eventually, they make the situation worse. The best thing is to revert to the basics.
Tip: Take enough rest, sleep enough, eat well, and take a nature walk. Going back to the basics will help cure your anxiety and relieve your fears.
Find Evidence
Sometimes we find ourselves being fearful of situations because of perceived consequences. Before being scared by something or a problem, try to get facts about that situation. Know whether what you think about a situation has ever happened to someone or is just your thoughts. Don’t be surprised to see that you are always scared of something that can never happen.
Seek Help!
Counseling is often one of the best ways to get your anxiety and fears under control. There are several reasons why you should go for a therapist. Seeing a professional is highly recommended, especially if you find it hard to fight your fears and anxiety by yourself. A professional knows your problem better and will advise you accordingly. Just find a reputable counseling professional and openly explain your worries and anxiety. Tip: Try to be open about your situation.
Wrapping up
If you suffer from anxiety and fear, we hope you now know a thing or two about managing the situation. Don’t let your concern escalate to harmful levels. Try self-help remedies but don’t hesitate to seek professional assistance.