Your reproductive system comprises of the glands, tissues, and organs needed to enable your body to conceive and maintain a healthy pregnancy. Keeping it healthy means taking good care of your reproductive system, to ensure its function, and processes are in optimal condition. Both men and women face issues when it comes to their reproductive health. For women, problems like endometriosis, cervical cancer, and uterine fibroids can affect their reproductive system. A healthy reproductive system is essential because it ensures that you are protected from infections or sexually transmitted diseases, as well as anything that will interfere with procreation. Here are some effective ways to keep your reproductive system healthy.
- Keep your diet balanced
A change in diet can improve your reproductive system, especially when it comes to fertility. A balanced diet consists of whole grains and fiber-rich foods. Fruits and vegetables also provide the needed nutrients to keep you healthy. Avoid processed foods like fast food and canned foods, as they might contain zero calories and certain chemicals that will do you more harm than good. Instead, consider plant-based foods which contain omega-3 fatty acids. These fatty acids are known to improve your overall health. They also improve the quality of your reproductive process, regulate hormones, and reduce inflammation in your body.
- Exercise regularly
You already know the benefits exercise has for your entire body, but did you know that regular exercise may have a connection to your fertility or reproductive health? According to research, strenuous exercise is not required. You can keep it light to moderate to boost ovulation, which will lead to regular menstrual cycles and improve fertility. Some exercises that will benefit you are walking, dancing, bicycling, yoga and pilates. Maintaining a healthy weight while exercising is also crucial to your reproductive health.
- Sleep regularly
Sleep is a necessity for the human body. An irregular sleep pattern or lack of sleep can increase your stress levels, which will affect your estrogen and other reproductive hormones. Once your hormones are imbalanced, they can cause more sleep deprivation and create a vicious cycle. Also, irregular sleep can cause your thyroid to slow down, which will in turn slow your metabolism. To keep your reproductive system healthy, you will need to form good sleeping habits. Set a consistent sleep schedule that allows you to go to bed at a particular time and sleep for eight hours.
- Avoid caffeine, nicotine, and alcohol
To keep your reproductive system healthy, you would need to keep these three things out of your system. They can cause irregular periods, decrease your fertility, and cause hormonal changes in menopausal women. Nicotine is said to affect the ovaries and the quality of eggs you produce. It is advisable to stay away from nicotine products if you are interested in conceiving in the future. Caffeine is a common “evil” that is hard to ignore. Curb your intake by limiting it to one or two 200ml cups a day. Make sure you stay away from environmental toxins like pesticides or herbicides, which can cause endocrine disruption.
- Avoid and treat infections
Poor choices and unhealthy lifestyles can greatly affect your reproductive system. You need to take precautionary measures when it comes to sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). Endeavor to use protection and avoid having multiple sexual partners. Getting into contact with diseases like chlamydia or gonorrhea, has the potential to make you infertile. However, if you have already come into contact these diseases, you need to get them treated immediately. Apart from sexually transmitted diseases, you can get other infections as well. This is why you need to make regular visits to a gynecologist for a pap smear test. Make sure you are regularly tested and screened.
- Practice good hygiene
Good personal hygiene has a good role to play in your reproductive health. Keeping a clean genital area is the primary step to good hygiene. It keeps you safe from infections and sexually transmitted diseases. Poor menstrual practices can cause serious complications for your reproductive system. During this time of the month, practice good habits like changing your tampons or sanitary towels regularly. Remember to wash your hands when changing your sanitary products. Take your bath regularly to remove all the sweat, dirt, and bad bacteria. Bathing reduces the risk of bacteria buildup and infections in your reproductive system. When you consistently practice good hygiene, you also lower the risk of getting a UTI or cystitis, which are both bladder infections.
- Stay hydrated
You might be wondering what the correlation between hydration and your reproductive health is. Well, your general health plays a big part in your reproductive health. If all your other systems are functioning properly, your reproductive system is likely to function well. Being properly hydrated can help your system produce enough cervical mucus. Dehydration, on the other hand, can result in poor egg production. When hormones need to be transported or toxins need to be flushed out, water is the primary channel. It is recommended to drink about 2.7 liters of water daily. Hydration can come from fruits and vegetables too. If you are not a big water fan, you can consider them.
- Take supplements
Supplements can be a helpful addition to your diet as they contain nutrients that are naturally extracted or synthetic. They can come in pill, powder, or liquid form, and they are needed to enhance the nutritional benefits you get from a balanced diet. There are various supplements and vitamins that can improve your reproductive health. Examples are, omega-3 fatty acids, found in fish oil, iron, calcium, and L- arginine. Taking tablets like folate can be important for ovarian health. Probiotics are also a must-have for women. These good bacteria and yeasts keep your reproductive system healthy, functional, and safe.
- Wear the right underwear
Never underestimate the power of a good pair of underwear on your reproductive organs. When choosing underwear, you will need to choose the right fabrics. In this case, cotton underwear is the best because of its breathable and absorbent qualities. It is quite natural for your reproductive organs to have moisture, so you want fabrics that can absorb it. Avoid synthetic materials like nylon or spandex. They trap heat and moisture and create a breeding ground for infections.
- Birth control
Birth control, which is also referred to as “contraception”, is the use of medicine, devices, and surgery to prevent pregnancy. Although contraceptives and intrauterine devices can be effective for the prevention of pregnancy, they can cause some complications. Such risks include blood clots and hypertension, which can lead to a heart attack. Consulting with a health professional before you get on hormonal contraceptives can save you from certain risks. With the right education and information, you will get a birth control plan that takes your medical history into consideration.
- Manage stress well
Chronic stress, left unchecked, can take a toll on the body in general. It can cause diabetes, heart-related issues, and high blood pressure. On the reproductive system, psychological stress can cause hormonal imbalances, which will affect your metabolism. Studies have shown that women who are mentally stressed are more likely to go through perimenopausal symptoms earlier than the average woman. To manage stress effectively, consider taking a break from all the noise. If you can’t do it right away, indulge in some exercise, meditate, eat well, and practice deep breathing to relax your nerves.
- Know your body
Being aware of your body and the changes that might be happening in it is one of the ways to keep your reproductive system healthy. When you pay attention to the warnings and signs your body gives you, you are able to identify possible diseases before they become a concern and have them treated. Knowing your health status at all times informs you on what diets, drugs, or exercises work for you and what doesn’t. It also helps you to know if you have conditions like endometriosis or polycystic ovarian syndrome. You can choose to go to the hospital for physical examinations regularly or start learning about your body by asking questions like “Do you experience PMS?” or “Are your irregular monthly cycles caused by stress or something else?”
- Don’t use harsh chemicals on your reproductive organs
Your reproductive organs are delicate or sensitive, so you need to handle them with care. There are many hygiene products, such as douches or wipes, on the market that promise a clean and fresh smell or look. You will need to be careful and assess the products that you use, as they may contain certain chemicals that could upset the pH balance of your genitals. Before you consider any of these products, do research on your reproductive organs. Be as educated as you can be, and you might discover that you don’t even need any of the products or techniques being used.
Your reproductive system, though delicate and complex, ensures the survival of the human species. It is very important for your general health and well-being. Hence, the need to maintain its health and protect it.