When you get older, it can become challenging to find the time and the extra money to be able to spend time with your friends. Especially if you have been spending time and money on bonding with your family. Not everything that you do with your friends has to be expensive. There are a lot of inexpensive, fun activities that you can do so that you can spend time catching up, without having to break the bank. Here are a few ideas you could start with:
Games night
A game night is an inexpensive way that you can get all your friends together. If you have children and host it at your home, you will not have to pay for child care, and if everyone brings a game around with them, you will have a variety to pick from. You could play board games like Scrabble, and if you get stuck, you could use a website to help you unscramble letters. There are also plenty of games that you can download onto your phone that are interactive for a group of people. If anyone has a games console that you can use, you could play some competitive video games.
If you want to take the night one step further, you could turn it in the evening into a games tournament and compete to be the champion at the end of the night. It could turn into something that you do every few months so that you can try and beat the champion or keep your crown.
Karaoke night
If you and your friends like singing and dancing you could have a karaoke night at your home. You can search for online lyric videos and use a hairbrush as your microphone. It may turn into a flashback of being in your bedroom when you were a teenager, but there is nothing wrong with turning back time and having a little fun. Everyone can bring their own drinks and snacks, so if they want to drink alcohol, they can.
If you want to pretend to be the next girl band, you could learn the moves to your favorite song, put together a dance routine, and give everyone a different part to sing. There is nothing better than letting loose and having a bit of fun, plus only your friends will be there to witness it!
Picnic at the park
Take advantage of a sunny day and take a picnic down to the park with your friends. Everyone can bring some food and drink to contribute to the picnic, and you can share it out on a few blankets. If you want to have some hot food and you don’t mind spending a bit more, you could bring a barbecue and make some burgers. It’s an excellent opportunity to relax with your friends, have fun and get to spend some time outdoors.
You could even bring a few outdoor games to play, like rounders, catch, or a frisbee, but whatever you do, don’t forget the suncream!