One of the most difficult aspects of life is seeing a child grow up and become their own person. When we’re trying to find out who we are, we try different things out the size. You may think that you have spent time working hard on focusing on quality time as a family, but when your children grow up from toddlers to teenagers, they’ve got to focus on their own path in life, which could mean they end up going off the rails. When we see this start. it can be very heartbreaking. But what can we do to help our children in these situations?
Choose the Right Form of Punishment
They say the punishment should fit the crime. When our children are doing something that is tantamount to law-breaking, it could be because they don’t know how to properly express themselves. And for most children, the right form of punishment is the most effective deterrent to put them back on the straight and narrow. While some may feel that this is the start of a slippery slope, you always have the right resources to help you out, especially if they have done something extreme. Consulting lawyers such as Sitkoff & Hanrahan, LLP can certainly help if your child has done something out of line, but it can also be the perfect opportunity to put the fear of God into your child so they do not act out of line ever again. Additionally, when we are trying to punish them, we’ve got to make them see why we gave them that punishment. When our children don’t have an understanding of why they are being punished, it will not help them to learn the errors of their ways.
An Effective Reward System
It’s something that we try with our children when they are younger, but it’s something that can work as they get older. It’s important to remember that an effective reward system means something completely different in the eyes of a teenager. Some children are, of course, smart enough to recognize that this is bribery. But you’ve got to ensure that the reward is large enough, for example, a car. The important thing is that if you want them to stick on the straight and narrow and adhere to your values, they have to respect the limits that you have set.
Focusing on the Long-Term
We have to remember that our children are young, and therefore, they are rebelling to prove a point. When we impose boundaries on them, this may have an adverse effect and they will rebel. We need to remember that our children on some ingrained level, will always need us and they will perceive the limits we set as telling them they’re not able to do things. You might very well be working hard to keep your family safe and have worked hard on strengthening the family bond, but you need to remember that when your children are trying to assert themselves they will still need you. Long-term tactics and playing the long game will make a big difference here.