Having a bright, healthy smile is something many people want to achieve. Unfortunately, research suggests 61 percent of Americans would like to change something about their smile by improving the appearance of their teeth. Feeling dissatisfied with your teeth can impact many areas of your life. When you feel insecure about your smile, you are more likely to be self-conscious about showing them to people and may cover your mouth when laughing. No one wants to live life trying to conceal their smile, so doing everything you can to make your teeth look at their best is essential.
Although many people want to achieve an attractive smile, it is even more critical to ensure they are healthy. Your teeth are designed to last for the rest of your life, but unless you take great care of them, you could find they are susceptible to damage, decay, and even tooth loss. Take a look at these tips to help avoid these issues and ensure your teeth stay healthy:
- Stick to a Hygiene Routine
The best way to protect your dental health is to stick to a consistent oral hygiene routine. Making sure you brush and floss twice each day is essential to prevent dental caries and plaque from building up on your teeth. Dental caries can cause a range of symptoms such as discomfort when eating, sensitivity, and toothache. The good news is dental caries are preventable and can be avoided by maintaining a daily oral hygiene routine.
- Get Regular Dental Checks
Even if your teeth feel healthy and you have no significant concerns about your dental health, it is still vital to see the dentist regularly. Having your teeth checked over regularly is the best way to spot the early signs of any issues that could impact your dental health. Early detection is essential to prevent minor problems from becoming more significant and needing complicated treatment. Frequently visiting your dentist to have your teeth examined is the best way to know your teeth are in the best condition and prevent future dental problems.
- Protect Your Teeth
As well as looking after your teeth with a consistent dental hygiene routine, it is also vital to protect your teeth from damage. Although teeth feel strong, they can be damaged easily, so protecting them is essential to prevent them from being chipped and broken. Wearing a mouthguard when playing contact sports is best to protect your teeth. It is also crucial to avoid using your teeth to open packets and bottles. Otherwise, you could easily break your teeth.
- Watch What You Eat and Drink
Eating high in sugar food is a leading cause of tooth decay. Sugar has a severe impact on your teeth. When the sugar interacts with bacteria in your mouth, it produces acid that attacks your tooth enamel and causes dental caries to form. Reducing sugar in your diet is the best way to avoid damage to your teeth, especially when combined with regular dental check-ups and good dental hygiene.