Tension in the body can often play tricks on the mind, and vice versa. When your body feels stressed, you may often feel stressed mentally. As much as a massage can help relieve this stress, it may only be short-term. Plus, it may not do much for your mind. If you often feel tense within your mind and body, here are some effective tension-relieving methods.
Utilize therapy
There are several variations of therapy that offer benefits for the mind and the body simultaneously. For instance, if you have a lot of back pain due to being involved in a sports team, you may feel a lot of tension in your body and your mind. Your pain may prevent you from being as active as you would like to and feeling relaxed mentally. Thus, physiotherapy will help relieve the tension that exists within your mind and body. In no time your back will feel better and your mind can feel relieved of the stress your pain was causing.
Exercise is essential for your health, both physically and mentally. Whether or not you like or partake in regular exercise, it does not have to be vigorous to be effective. For instance, a long walk every other day can be more than enough to relieve muscle and mental tension. Getting movement into your everyday routine does not have to involve a HIIT class or weightlifting session. Simple and gentle exercise can often be as effective, or more.
Eat a balanced diet
Stress and tension are exacerbated by a bad diet. When you have a healthy diet, you will not only be healthy but you will also have less tension and stress. Sadly, most of the time when we are experiencing stress and tension, we barely remember to eat healthily or do not have time to eat at all. Stay away from vending machines and instead, focus on vegetables, fruits, and fish. Fish will give you omega-3 fatty acids that will decrease stress symptoms. A tuna sandwich is a healthy meal for your brain.
Get enough sleep
A lack of sleep can cause physical and mental stress. If you are not getting enough hours, you may feel fatigued in your muscles and your mind. To prevent this, ensure you are getting around 7 to 8 hours of sleep per night. Sleeping at a set time and waking earlier can help you wake up feeling more energized and less tense.
Get some heat
When you feel tense, take a hot shower. Tension will be relieved by the warm water, and you will get an instant feeling of relaxation. Ensure the water is between 36 and 40 degrees Celsius to avoid burning your skin. A steam room can also come in handy in relieving tension. If you can, take a warm bath and add Epsom salts, they will help you relax much faster. A whirlpool tub is also a good idea as the jets will massage the tension off your muscles.