At some point in your life, something will go wrong with your mind. It’s something that everyone goes through. Life will always throw you around, and you’ll feel like giving up. But what can you actually do if your mental health is in the toilet? I’ve tried a few things to improve my mental health.
Relax On Purpose
If you’re just trying to stay alive, you’ll always feel like you’re on edge. No matter what you do, you can’t really just relax and have fun.
One thing you can try is to make it a habit to relax. The goal is to change the way your body feels so you can give it time to recover from the day’s challenges. But how do you do it on purpose? After all, if it were easy, you’d do it all the time, right?
Relaxing is something you have to give yourself permission to do. Your brain is trying to keep you safe from a threat it thinks is in your environment. This is why you can’t relax. Relaxing goes against what the body wants to do on its own.
Find something that helps you calm down. You want something that can help lower your blood pressure and heart rate, as well as relax your muscles. Also, listening to music that calms you down can help. Many people have also used breathing exercises to help them calm down.
Get To Know Others
Many people are the worst company for themselves. They hate being alone with themselves because it’s a disaster. One way to deal with this is to meet new people. Spending time with people who are happy is a great way to change your perspective and how you feel about yourself. You’re no longer caught up in your own thoughts. Instead, you’re connecting with other people. Find someone to spend time with, like a friend, family member, or pet. For example, if you want to meet new people, you could join a meetup group or a sports league. Or it could be as easy as just trying to call people more. Talking to others who are experiencing the same as you, for example, mesothelioma navy veterans could be highly beneficial to your mental health.
Be Appreciative
Another popular way to deal with stress is to think about what you have to be thankful for. Even if it’s small, everyone can find something. Some people write down one thing they’re thankful for every day. It helps to make it a small habit to look for the good in things.
Be as creative as you can when it comes to being thankful. Even though life doesn’t always go the way you want it to, at any given time, things are usually going your way. For example, your life is being taken care of, you have food, and so on.
Look After Your Body
What’s going on in the mind often mirrors what’s going on in the body. If you eat badly and never get out of your chair, you will always feel less than your best.
But most of the time, you’ll feel better if you get up and go outside.
Give your body what it needs to stay healthy. Focus your diet on whole plant foods, because this is the one thing that makes the biggest difference. Get enough sleep during the week, and don’t be proud that you can get by on only 4 hours a night.