Our backs are very important for our health and wellbeing, so why do we neglect them so much? Many people are afraid that they will damage their back if they attempt to do anything with it but there are a lot of thighs that you can do to help improve your back health.
See a professional
Let’s jump in here with this one and suggest that you see a Chiropractor in order to determine if you have any back problems. Although this is a type of alternative therapy, there is no denying that having a chiropractor manipulate your spine and pop things back into their proper place is a great place to start. This is practically useful if you have an old injury that you are not sure about and would like some extra help recovering.
Try heat therapy
Your back can carry a lot of stress and tension so it is important that you can get rid of it as soon as possible. Relaxing in a bath with CBD-infused bath salts can be a great way to release the tension in your back. Not only is this type of relaxation good for your back, but it is also good for your mind too. For the best results, you should try to bathe with salts at least once a week. It doesn’t have to be with salts, even soaking with some bubble bath is great.
Eat better
Your back is filled with muscles and bones. If the spine and the bones start to degrade, you are in for a heap of trouble. Keeping your bones healthy with iron and calcium-rich foods is great for keeping the vertebrae healthy. However, if you suffer from a spinal injury, leafy greens have been pegged as the food to eat to help aid in recovery. Oily fish and citrus fruits are also in the top ten foods that you should eat to protect your spine.
Better sleep
There are people who can sleep on a clothesline, and there are people who need a certain thread count and the room temperature to be just so before they can nod off. Whatever way you sleep, you need to ensure that your neck and spine are being supported throughout the night. Everyone is different but there are certain sleeping aids such as shaped pillows that can help you to maintain a healthy sleep position. If you wake up every morning with a sore back, you might need to change your mattress to something firmer and with more support.
Gentle exercise
If your back and body are not used to exercising, you might find that suddenly hitting the streets for a jog causes a lot of pain. If you do want to exercise, you might be better starting off in a pool or being supported by water until you get your strength. There is also the option of yoga which is designed to strengthen your body and help with your back health. Take it easy with the exercise to start and reduce the risk of being injured.