The outrageous animated family adventure HEDGEHOGS, featuring the voice cast of web superstars Jen McAllister and the Smosh duo (Anthony Padilla and Ian Hecox) joined by comedy legends Jon Heder (Napoleon Dynamite) and Chevy Chase (Caddyshack), is coming to select theaters and on demand December 15 from Lionsgate.
The laughter begins as a mischievous hedgehog named Bobby leaves his wilderness home and joins Hubert, a featherbrained pigeon, on a wild, unpredictable journey. They make their way to the big city, where stressed-out humans are losing their minds. Bobby and Hubert must calm the nervous citizens by being their cute, cuddly selves.
If HEDGEHOGS happens to be in a select theater near you it is a great movie for the kids. Otherwise be sure to see it On Demand!
Let’s add to the fun with a yummy Fruit Salad Recipe and also a cute HEDGEHOGS Coloring Sheet to Download! Enjoy!
Disclosure: I was provided the opportunity to view the above movie, however, all opinions are entirely my own.