We all know how much better life seems when we wake up in a great mood. We’re positive, we’re ready to tackle the day, and the whole world just seems brighter. Alas, it often feels like those beginnings to the day are few and far between. For many people, the day begins with one big chaotic mess, where we wish we could spend several more hours in bed. If that sounds all too familiar, then take a read below, where we outline some tips that’ll push you in the right direction.
Ease Into the Day
There’s one common cause for people waking up in a bad mood: old-school alarm clock styles, and that includes the default alarm clock on your phone. You could be in a restful sleep, but then your honking alarm goes off, and you’re jolted awake. That’s not a good way to begin a day! Instead, look at waking up more gently. There are apps that’ll help you to slowly transition from sleep to wake mode. If, for whatever reason, your bedroom receives minimal natural light, look at buying an alarm clock that slowly simulates the rising sun — you’ll wake up much more refreshed.
Eating Well
Many of us know, on some level at least, that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. But judging by what most people have for breakfast, that understanding doesn’t translate into action. So if you’re currently just eating boring old cereal and instant coffee, look at making a couple of changes. It doesn’t take long to prepare a healthy and delicious breakfast, while Civet Coffee will ensure that you get your caffeine fix in the best way possible. Start the day with a great breakfast, and you’ll be riding a wave of contentment and satisfaction all the way through to lunchtime.
Wake Up the Mind
You might be in a bad mood when you wake up, but you won’t really know why. When your mind is able to form thoughts, you’ll likely find that the bad mood was just a stupid reaction to waking up; nothing is actually wrong. For that to happen, though, your mind will need to be awake. Give yourself some time in the morning, and you can read newspapers, online articles, or even complete a quiz. You’ll feel ready to take on the day once you’re feeling mentally sharp.
Move The Body
Another great thing to do in the morning is to get a little active. Going for a short run, doing push-ups, or getting some yoga in will all help to bring your body to life. Plus, it’ll release some happy chemicals into your brain, which will put you in a good mood.
Cold Showers
Finally, if you’re feeling brave, look at taking a cold shower, and we mean freezing cold. It’s horrible to do, but the afterglow effects will make you feel amazing. So give it a try; you might just be surprised at all the benefits it can bring to your life.