Communication is changing. We’ve gone from speaking face to face, to making phone calls, to a generation that is terrified of the phone and much rather communicate via text, email or messenger. The younger generation, however, seems to be coming out of the other side. Preferring to speak by video call, or by sharing video clips on Snapchat and other social media platforms. Which we could argue is closer to face to face communication than the populous has been for a long time.
Platforms and types of communication aren’t the other things that are changing. The way we communicate does too. We’re much more informal than our grandparents would have been, even when speaking with professional contacts. The use of words changes and evolves, and it’s probably fair to say that not many of us are great communicators. If anything, the sheer volume of options available to us means that we’ve lost the skill. We struggle to know how to speak to people, what tone to use, how to read a situation, and how to get our message across, which is a shame because being a great communicator has many advantages.
Great Communication Improves Friendships
When we struggle to communicate effectively, we struggle to build and perhaps, more importantly, maintain, friendships. If we can express our needs, ask others for theirs, and when we can confide in, and really speak with, our friends, we can enjoy firm friendships.
Improved Communication Could Boost Relationships with Family
Communication among families is sometimes the hardest kind. These are the people that we should be closest to, but family politics, grudges, and long-running disputes can make it harder than it should be. Having practical communication skills can help us to bridge gaps and bring everyone together. Sometimes, excellent communication means we have to learn more about communicating with a family member with hearing loss, which can also have many benefits.
Excellent Communication Helps Us Get What We Want
Isn’t getting what you want great? It’s something that most of us enjoy, even if we’d rather not admit it. When we are excellent communicators, we can get our points across well. We can make sure other people understand our needs and see things from our point of view. We can use our tone and inflection, as well as our words, to help us to get what we want.
Communication Skills Are a Bonus at Work
Communication is something that many of us list as a key skill in our CVs, whether we are good at it or not. That’s because communication is crucial in the workplace. It helps us to become a valued part of a team, to be a leader, and to get on well with others. It’s something that employers in all fields are looking for.
There Will Be Fewer Misunderstandings
Life is often a quagmire of misunderstandings. We’re always negotiating our way out of a mess, because someone’s meaning wasn’t clear, or someone else has taken what we’ve said in the wrong way. Excellent communication skills mean fewer misunderstandings and an easier life.