Have you purchased a diamond before? If not, then you’re certainly overwhelmed by the number of options available out there. In addition, you may have a series of questions triggering your mind: how to choose a perfect diamond, how to determine if the cost for the diamond is apt or not?
The first step lies in learning about the Four Cs: color, carat, clarity, and cut. For example, when buying a ring in Dallas, know that transparency holds pivotal importance on the diamond’s appearance. Thereby, enlightening yourself about it is vital.
Here’s what you should know about the diamond’s clarity:
What is the Diamond Clarity?
A diamond’s clarity is based upon the blemishes and inclusions it has. Inclusions refer to the imperfections found on the insides of the diamond. Blemishes, on the other hand, are the slight imperfections on the diamond’s exterior.
Many blemishes and inclusions may not be visible to the naked eye. However, the appearance of these imperfections means that the diamonds are cloudier and less brilliant than other diamonds.
Determining the Clarity of the Diamond:
Since many imperfections aren’t visible to the naked eye. So, how do you tell if the diamond you’re selecting has better clarity or not? Well, for engagement rings dallas, the sellers usually inquire about the diamond’s clarity grade from the buyer itself. Also, the Gemological Institute of America examines the quality of each diamond for determining the number of inclusions and blemishes. Also, there must be a scale to measure the visibility of these imperfections.
Eyeing at these factors, the GIA assigns a clarity grade to the diamond. Some of which are:
1. Flawless (FL): This measure depicts that the diamond grader cannot find any sort of blemishes and inclusions under 10x magnification.
2. Internally Flawless (IF): The diamond grader could spot blemishes under 10x magnification but couldn’t find any inclusions.
3. Very, Very Slightly Included (VVS1 and VVS2): The diamond grader could find inclusions under 10x magnifications, but they were difficult to see.
4. Very Slightly Included (VS1 and VS2): The diamond grader could easily find the inclusions under 10x magnification.
5. Slightly Included (SI1 and SI2): Inclusions could be seen under 10x magnification, and in some cases, these could be visible through the naked eye as well.
6. Included (I1, I2, and I3): The diamond contains significant inclusions, which are sure to affect its brilliance.
Although some cut diamonds aren’t necessarily more expensive than other diamond shapes, know that these do not require the understandability of 4Cs. And, why not? It’s about the most precious moment of your life, and you wish to see the effect of clarity on the beauty of the stone.
The lower grades for cuts and clarity reduce the sleek shape elegance while visible flaws detract from their appearance. The poor cuts, too, limit how the light dances along with the stone.
Some buyers prefer choosing to sacrifice the colour grades by masking the diamonds in rose gold and yellow. While the engagement ring experts exclaim carat to be the first ‘C’ when it comes to budget-friendliness. They further add that there are ways of making smaller diamonds bigger, but that requires apt diamond knowledge and education for leading to smaller investments into sheer brilliance.
Some Purchase Tips for First-Time Buyers:
You may be overwhelmed by the amount of information to remember, but that shouldn’t be the case. If you’re shopping for a diamond ring for the first time, ensure taking into account some critical points about the diamond clarity. These are:
1. The bigger the stone, the more you should focus on the clarity. However, that too depends upon the diamond size. For instance, it may be difficult to see the blemishes and inclusions in a one-carat diamond. Thereby, clarity doesn’t matter in diamonds of this size.
2. Blemishes and inclusions are more visible in Asscher cut diamonds than the round, and princess cut diamonds; hence when buying Asscher, look for a clarity scale on the larger scale.
The Bottom Line: Experience the Prophecy of Happiness with Diamonds
Indulging in some research is your key to a perfect diamond buying process. All you’ve to do is use a filter based on diamond characteristics to get a good idea of the clarity you can afford. Once you have a clear picture of the clarity, look for the other three.
Also, check the GIA certificate and HD stone pictures. Now you have a clear understanding of the diamond clarity, find a perfect diamond for yourself!
After all, diamonds have their own language, and learning about them is the key to a successful purchase! Happy Shopping!