Many of us will have heard the saying “Smile and the world will smile with you” but how many of us actually smile at the world? Many of us can feel a little less confident with our own smiles, perhaps just doing a token gesture as we go about our day, rather than planting a huge big smile on our faces. Even if we do feel happy and content with our lives. So how can we change that? After all, the world will certainly be a nicer place to be if everyone around us were smiling. We change it by becoming more confident with our own smiles.
However, there is no denying that our dental health, hygiene, and appearance can be an area where we don’t feel confident. It can set you back if you feel like you can’t comfortably smile, or you feel awkward doing it. But it doesn’t have to be that way. There can be things that you can do that can help encourage you to smile more often, feel positive about it, and improve the way you look and feel. With that in mind, here are some of the things that you could consider.
What is holding your back?
One of the first things to think about could be what is holding you back? What is it about your smile or even your dental health that has you feeling negative or not confident? It is important to identify how you feel so that you know where you might need to make some changes or improvements. This could help you to feel happier as you take positive steps to make a change that helps increase your confidence levels overall.
Have a good routine
Having a smile that you can feel truly confident in starts with a routine at home. If you don’t take care of your teeth at home, then you won’t feel like smiling at all. It means brushing your teeth regularly, flossing regularly, and even using things like mouthwash that can help with preventing things like gum disease and bad breath. It is also recommended to brush your teeth after eating or drinking something acidic or sugary. It might be hard to keep up with this regular routine, but doing this alone can help you feel more confident with your smile.
Think about the toothpaste you use
Another thing to consider would be your toothpaste. It is all well and good having a good routine, but the toothpaste can make a big difference to how your teeth look and feel, and ultimately your confidence labels. For example, you may notice that your teeth are sensitive to cold things. However, you can get toothpaste that is specifically designed to help with sensitive teeth, it might be that you want to brighten the appearance of your teeth, and using toothpaste for teeth whitening could help. There will be toothpaste that could help with an array of dental issues. It might be a simple change, but it could be very effective.
Keep up to date with your dentist appointments
As much as having a routine with your dental care is essential, you also need to make sure that you visit your dentist regularly. They can look out for problems that you may not even realize you have such as with fillings needing to be done or even your wisdom teeth. Issues with plaque buildup or problems with sensitive teeth. Getting your teeth checked over can give you the confidence to smile with pride. It might not be the nicest thing to do visiting the dentist, but doing so is a positive step when it comes to taking pride in your dental health and hygiene. Six monthly visits should be enough unless you require any treatment.
Consider teeth whitening
Many people don’t feel confident in their smiles because of the discoloration of their teeth. This might be after years of drinking too much coffee or simply not keeping up with a good dental routine in the past. Thankfully there are options to resolve this. A simple search online will identify websites that could help with that. Teeth whitening can really help improve your confidence levels, and it can be quite simple to do at home. Or if you don’t feel confident, you can get booked into specialist clinics. This might be done over a few appointments but could help you to see a big difference. More than you would from using toothpaste.
Making cosmetic changes
It might be that there are certain things that are getting to you when it comes to your teeth. Perhaps it is a gap in your teeth or the fact that they aren’t very straight. Getting some help with this by using braces or other strategies could help you to see a big improvement in how your teeth look. You could also consider other cosmetic options such as dental implants. It might be the long-term solution or the procedure you aim for, but it could give you a completely new look when it comes to your smile and the confidence that you never thought that you would have.
Don’t force it really feel it
Finally, you need to really feel the smile and not force it. No one wants to see someone who genuinely doesn’t like being filled with the joys of life. Smiling is something that should come naturally to you and not be a forced thing. Really feel genuinely happy and want to smile and you will find that it becomes second nature to you. This can have a huge positive impact on your life as well, as you start to feel the true feelings of happiness. The more you do it, the easier it will become to do it naturally.