Like it? Share it! Twitter Pinterest Facebook LinkedIn Email We might have passed New Year’s resolution season, that few weeks where everyone announces huge changes they want to make to their lives and talks about their big plans for the coming year. But that doesn’t mean that it’s too late to make changes to your […]
Five Things To Do This Year For Your Health
Like it? Share it! Twitter Pinterest Facebook LinkedIn Email Photo Source Looking after your health isn’t just about eating right and exercise, although it is an important contributing factor there is so much more to it. The world is so full of stress and negativity and sometimes we let it get on top of us […]
Five Tips For Hearing Aid Care
Like it? Share it! Twitter Pinterest Facebook LinkedIn Email Anyone who wears a hearing aid relies on it every day. If your hearing device goes wrong, you could be in for a challenging few days while you wait for it to be repaired. Through some basic preventative maintenance and with proper care, you can extend […]
Five tips to destress and feel more chill
Like it? Share it! Twitter Pinterest Facebook LinkedIn Email The world is becoming increasingly stressful, and it is having a big impact on people’s mental health. To combat this, it is essential to spend time doing things you enjoy and find ways to help you really relax. So, for anyone feeling life is getting on […]
Five Trending Cannabis Benefits You Need To Know About
You may have noticed a lot of hype building around cannabis products and other cannabinoid derivatives. Since the compounds have been legalized in many states and also several countries, there is a lot to be discussed about the prescription as well as recreational benefits of cannabis. Available in different strains known as Indica, Sativa, and […]
Food Inspiration For Your Taste Buds And Waistline
Like it? Share it! Twitter Pinterest Facebook LinkedIn Email Photo Source If you have decided that this was your year to get healthy, this blog post can help! Read on to discover some great low-carb recipes. FOOD INSPIRATION – Get more veggies into your diet with these ideas! Garlic Parmesan Roasted Broccoli – Who knew […]
Food Sources for a Healthier Lifestyle
Making the switch to a healthier lifestyle can seem daunting, but it doesn’t have to be! There are plenty of food sources that can help you live a healthier life. This blog post will discuss some of the best options for getting the nutrients your body needs. We’ll also provide some tips on making healthy […]
Feeling Overwhelmed? Here’s How To Cope With Your Emotions
Getting overwhelmed from time to time is completely normal. Sometimes you can feel like life is a steam roller and you’re not even able to catch your breath! But even though it’s part of the human condition to sometimes feel like you can’t handle things, the emotional effects of it can be long-term and devastating. […]
Feeling Overwhelmed Lately – Here are 4 Fun Ways to Improve Your Mental Health
Photo Source The world has been more chaotic than usual lately. The pandemic, the sense of uncertainty –although things are returning to normal– and the news, are all enough to fill anyone with a sense of dread and anxiety. This is why if you’re feeling anxious or overwhelmed, know that you’re not alone. Lots of […]
Fighting Fit – Tips for Healthy Travel
Although the world is still in pandemic mode, and everyone must exercise caution, the economy’s wheels are once again turning, and many places are open for tourism. This is great news if you’ve spent most of the year cooped up indoors, most people can’t wait to get away for an overdue vacation, but extra care […]
Finally in Control: 3 Simple Ways to Control Your Anxiety
Anxiety is the body’s way of responding to situations that seem scary. It may lead to stress if not managed. Typically, you may experience anxiety on three levels; cognitive, emotional, and physical levels. Accordingly, you may struggle to manage anxiety and feel like it is taking over or that you are entirely out of control. […]
Finding Great #Careers for Women in the #Healthcare Field
Like it? Share it! Twitter Pinterest Facebook LinkedIn Email If you’re a woman in the healthcare field, re-entering the job force after a long hiatus can be a stressful prospect. Whether you’re forced to go back into the workforce or you’re eager to get back out there, finding jobs in your wheelhouse that offer good […]
Essential #SelfCare Rituals For Better #Health
Like it? Share it! Twitter Pinterest Facebook LinkedIn Email Self-care has become a popular term over the last few years. However, despite its buzzword status, many people remain unsure of what the practice really means. Although Instagram would have you believe otherwise, self-care isn’t all about spa trips, extravagant vacations, and fancy meals. Instead, self-care […]
Essential Ways To Ensure That Your Immune System is Fighting Fit
Your immune system is incredible. It literally saves your life on a daily basis. But in these times of crisis, with a global pandemic sweeping through our nations, we need our immune systems now more than ever. Photo Source A healthy immune system won’t prevent you from catching the coronavirus. However, it will go a […]
Everyday #Tips to Boost Your Well-Being and #Happiness
Like it? Share it! Twitter Pinterest Facebook LinkedIn Email Taking steps to take better care of yourself is one of the simplest things that you can do to improve your well-being pretty quickly. Things like exercising and eating well can provide some pretty instant benefits to how well you feel, such as feeling more energized, […]
Experiencing a toothache lately? Here’s why you shouldn’t ignore it
Photo Source It is needless to say that ignoring any kind of body pain can lead to serious consequences. But there’s one that shouldn’t be ignored at any cost. And that’s a toothache. Medical professionals often tell their patients that experiencing a toothache, especially the one that won’t go away, is not a smart move. […]
DIY Project to Help Healthcare Workers #MaskMatch
Like it? Share it! Twitter Pinterest Facebook LinkedIn Email Looking for ways to help healthcare workers while staying safe in your own home? You can join thousands of Americans donating spare PPE (personal protective equipment) and handmade masks to healthcare workers who are on the frontlines of the COVID-19 pandemic across the country. Thanks to […]
DIY Your Sassy Glow: Make Your Health Supplements At Home
We live in a world with more information than we can ever consume. So why not make use of this information for our well-being? To stay alive and kick, one needs a healthy diet, and what’s better than incorporating health supplements into your diet. There are a lot of blogs available on the benefits of […]
Do You Have Bad Habits? Maybe It’s Time To Stop And Be #Healthier!
Many people get confused into thinking that a healthy life starts and ends with the gym, it doesn’t, it starts with looking at your habits. If you’re aiming to live an overall happier and healthier lifestyle, you need to first start by getting rid of bad habits, these are often responsible for keeping you from […]
Do you use CBD Oils?
Like it? Share it! Twitter Pinterest Facebook LinkedIn Email Have you heard of CBD oils? Have you ever tried CBD oils? If you’ve never tried CBD oils then you are truly missing out on an all-natural solution to some of life’s problems. There is a huge misconception that using CBD oil will give you some […]
Dealing With Depression through Yoga
Photo Source The World Health Organization says that by 2030, depression will be a leading cause of disability globally. It’s a predominant mental problem that is also known to cause early deaths. Recent studies by the Harvard Mental Health show that yoga can significantly reduce the impact of stress, anxiety, and depression. Yoga also improves […]
#Detox Your Body And Mind
Image by congerdesign from Pixabay We hear a lot about the concept of “detoxifying” on blogs and in the media. But what does it actually mean? The idea comes from this notion that the reason that we feel sick and tired is that our bodies are full of toxins that we need to purge. It’s […]
Discover Holistic Activities on Weekends To Decompress
The weekend is a time to decompress and get back into the swing of things. For some, this means taking a break from the office or even getting away for a bit. But if you’re looking for something more holistic to do on weekends than just decompressing, read on! Here are five ideas that will […]
Discover The Best Ways To De-Stress As A Parent
Parents often have high levels of stress in their life. If you are worried about your levels of stress, then there are various options that you can explore. Here are the suggestions we recommend that you consider relaxing more in life as a parent. Photo Source Spa Weekend First, you should think about booking a […]