Like it? Share it! Twitter Pinterest Facebook LinkedIn Email Back pain is considered the most common form of disability, contributing to the most days taken off of work, and a considerable amount of physical stress suffered by adults of every age. As such, if you’re worried that your back pain is becoming more common, it […]
Common Risk Factors For Mental Health Problems
We all struggle with our mental health at some point in our lives. If you’re going through a stressful time at work or a difficult life event like losing a loved one, it can take its toll. Finding ways to look after your mental health on a daily basis can help you get through these […]
Coping With Urinary Incontinence Later in Life
Like it? Share it! Twitter Pinterest Facebook LinkedIn Email Talking about incontinence can be rather embarrassing due to the stigma around it. However, with over 25 million Americans suffering some form of urinary incontinence (roughly 7.62% of the entire population), it’s a lot more common than you might think. However, due to the stigma around […]
Chronic Pains Dos & Don’ts
Like it? Share it! Twitter Pinterest Facebook LinkedIn Email Photo Source Imagine being dogged by pain every single minute of every day. For some chronic pain sufferers, that is exactly what their life is like. Fortunately, there are strategies they can use to minimize pain, even when it is a chronic condition. A topic you […]
Clumsiness – It Could Be A Sign Of An Underlying Medical Condition
Like it? Share it! Twitter Pinterest Facebook LinkedIn Email Are you always told that you’re extremely clumsy? Maybe you trip over things all the time, drop stuff that you’re carrying, and just generally get involved in mishaps. If you’ve always felt clumsy, you might just put it down to being part of your personality. You […]
Changes You Can Make Today For Better Oral Health
Like it? Share it! Twitter Pinterest Facebook LinkedIn Email People very often underestimate the value of good oral health. Not only is it important because you obviously want to keep your teeth healthy and make sure they last as long as possible, but it actually goes far beyond that. Problems like gum disease can pose […]
Changing Your Diet to Beat Depression & Brain Fog
Photo Source There are many treatments to beat depression. But you may not think your diet is one of them. Studies have found that what you eat directly affects how you feel. So here are some tips. Consider CBD Edibles Experts think that CBD may help with depression because it affects serotonin receptors in the […]
Children at Play!
Photo Source Despite the new closeness developing within families as this pandemic continues, there is still an importance for free time. Whether that is the freedom to walk away, and tend to work or chores, as an adult, or for children to have individual and on-their-own playtime, free time is an important thing to remember […]
Children Don’t Inherently Disklike Healthy Food
Like it? Share it! Twitter Pinterest Facebook LinkedIn Email Are you one of the millions of parents, who tried their best to get their children to eat healthily, but ultimately failed? Don’t worry, it’s common for parents to fall at the first hurdle and get their children to swap their chocolate bar for a fruit […]
CBD and Children: What Parents Need to Know
Like it? Share it! Twitter Pinterest Facebook LinkedIn Email Photo Source Description: CBD is the new thing on the block. The benefits of CBD for children are gaining more and more attention. Parents consider switching to CBD as a more natural option for their children’s issues. Cannabidiol is a substance extracted from hemp or marijuana. […]
CBD Edibles: 3 Tips for First-Timers
Like it? Share it! Twitter Pinterest Facebook LinkedIn Email Photo Source CBD edibles are a form of ingestible cannabidiol (CBD). Essentially, CBD edibles are foods containing the therapeutic compound CBD, which is extracted from the marijuana plant. CBD edibles are a popular choice for people who want to experience the benefits of the hemp plant, […]
CBD Gummies for World Sleep Day! @charlottesweb
This Friday the 13th is World Sleep Day! In a society overworked and under-rested, it’s Charlotte’s Web to the rescue. If you have trouble falling asleep and are looking for a product that WORKS (for real) then look no further than Charlotte’s Web Sleep Gummies. It’s CBD paired with the renowned natural sleeping aid, melatonin which […]
CBD Tinctures and cremes & gummies OH MY!
August 8th is National CBD Day! By now, most adults in the U.S. have at least heard of CBD because who isn’t talking about it? With all this talk, you may be wondering if CBD is just another millennial trend passing through. We don’t think so! CBD is an amazing all-natural aid for a myriad of […]
Can It Be Too Late To Lose Weight?
Like it? Share it! Twitter Pinterest Facebook LinkedIn Email Photo by i yunmai on Unsplash It’s no secret that losing weight is a difficult task. A lot of people struggle with this, finding it hard to know what they need to eat, how they should exercise, and the other elements of their life which will impact their weight […]
Car Accident Claims: How to Negotiate Your Settlement
Like it? Share it! Twitter Pinterest Facebook LinkedIn Email If you’re planning to file a personal injury claim after an accident, you will most likely have to negotiate with the other party’s insurance. Even if you have already taken the next step of filing a lawsuit, at one point during the settlement negotiations, you may […]
Bring out your SMILE with @Colgate Oral Care Products #ColgateSmile
Like it? Share it! Twitter Pinterest Facebook LinkedIn Email I’ve been a loyal fan of Colgate oral care products for years so I’m always delighted when I receive something new from Colgate. I’ve recently had the opportunity to try out a few new products including the Colgate 360 Advanced Whitening Toothbrush, Colgate Optic White Platinum […]
Build Your Body Confidence Fast
Everyone wants to feel good about their body – and everyone deserves to. No matter how you look at the moment, you should be able to find it in yourself to feel good about your body, even if there are things that you would ideally change. Body confidence is something that everyone can work on […]
Becoming More Confident With Your Smile
Like it? Share it! Twitter Pinterest Facebook LinkedIn Email Many of us will have heard the saying “Smile and the world will smile with you” but how many of us actually smile at the world? Many of us can feel a little less confident with our own smiles, perhaps just doing a token gesture as […]
Begin Your Day On A #Positive Note!
We all know how much better life seems when we wake up in a great mood. We’re positive, we’re ready to tackle the day, and the whole world just seems brighter. Alas, it often feels like those beginnings to the day are few and far between. For many people, the day begins with one big […]
Between CBD and Practicality: Healthy Choices To Turn Your Life
If you’re invested and interested in the CBD lifestyle manner of doing things, this article is especially relevant for you. We all know how influential the impact of CBD as a medicinal herb is in the holistic healthcare sector. It has made revolutionary changes in the lives of millions, by mitigating their illnesses, subsiding chronic […]
Boost your Body #Confidence Quickly & Easily with These Top Tips
One of the great things about getting older is that you will gain a new sense of confidence. You may feel like you are able to handle new situations much better and that you are also able to be more resilient. The problem is that your skin and your body shape will change as you […]
Beat Painful Symptoms Using Addiction-free CBD Options
Photo Credit There is no single person in the entire world who has not faced painful symptoms. Right? But what is the first thing that comes to mind whenever you face such circumstances? You often take the help of NSAIDs or painkillers to reduce the intensity of pain. While this might work for some people, […]
An Introduction To Leg Ulcers
Photo Source Leg ulcer treatment can be the way to recover your everyday quality of life when painful, open wounds seem to have taken it away. Leg ulcers can often go unnoticed at first, as they are not always immediately painful and may not seem as though they require wound care treatment. However, as with […]
Anxiety Disorder: How to Deal with It
Anxiety disorders are among the most common mental disorders affecting many people worldwide. Anxiety disorder describes negative feelings such as panic, stress, and excessive worrying that can be disabling and hard to control. It can affect every part of your life, from how you treat your best friends to dealing with a traffic ticket. But, […]