Having healthy gums is not just good for your mouth – it is also essential for your overall health. Gum disease is linked to heart disease and some other diseases and illnesses.
Even if your teeth are cavity-free, your gums can have a different story about your oral health. So, how can you keep your gums healthy?
Dental cleaning
A dental cleaning will give your gum that deep clean that they need. Some of the build-up on the teeth is below the gum line in small pockets. Deep teeth cleaning will help your gums be completely free from debris.
Often we miss plaque that we can’t get to with our brushes – but a deep clean can help remove all of that.
Food debris that gets trapped between the teeth; over time, if these pieces of debris aren’t removed, they will become hard and then difficult to remove.
Flossing at least once a day – twice or more- will help prevent plaque from building up.
If you aren’t sure how to floss effectively, ask your dentist for tips.
Changing your toothbrush regularly is a must to ensure it is still effective. Bristles that become too soft aren’t going to clean the teeth correctly.
It is recommended that you get a new toothbrush every three months. After this time, the frayed bristles become ineffective.
If you aren’t sure if you are brushing your teeth properly, you can get a plaque-disclosing tablet and use it to help highlight any areas that you or your child have been missing when you brush.
The plaque disclosing dye is not harmful and can give you a better idea of how you should be brushing.
Using the wrong toothpaste can mean you aren’t getting as deep and clean as you need. Different types of toothpaste and tooth mousse can help you clean more effectively. Some kinds of toothpaste have small abrasive particles to help to clean the tooth; others fizz and work their way between the teeth to help blast away food debris.
Mouthwash can play a very important role in your oral health, and you can choose one that has something that can help your gum health. Medicated mouthwash can offer protection from food debris, a deeper clean, and even prevent receding gums.
Using a mouthwash doesn’t replace flossing twice a day, or between meals, if you have to, or brushing regularly.
Mouthwash will often make our breath smell better too!
Eating lots of crunchy fruits and vegetables and drinking plenty of water is great for your teeth. Enjoying some high-quality dairy in your diet can help to increase saliva production and is linked with having strong bones and teeth.
Try to avoid carbonated drinks or anything with too much sugar so that you aren’t working against your healthy teeth routine.
Taking care of your teeth and gums can be part of how you can take care of yourself. Looking after your ears, nails, hair, teeth, and eyes are all part of giving yourself 100%: Healthy Hair Habits You Should Be Doing Now.