Parents are a child’s first teacher, and there are lots of very simple things that you can do every day to encourage them to enjoy reading while also strengthening your child’s literacy skills for school at the same time.
Read From Day One
Start a reading routine in those early days with your newborn. Even very young babies will respond to the soothing sound of your voice as you read a book aloud to them.
Share Books Evey Day
Try to find the time to read with your child every day, even after they become an independent reader. A book at bedtime, for example, is a lovely way to spend time together and share stories.
Reread Favorites
Most children really like to hear their favorite stories over and over again. This is completely normal and harmless. Rereading their favorite books gives your child an opportunity ot hear or see something that they might have missed the first time, and lets them hear another chance to hear a favorite part of the story. Reading together, even a book you’ve read before is a good way to practice phonics for reading.
Send Positive Messages About The Joys Of Literacy
Your own interest and excitement about books will come across and be contagious. Let your kids see your read, talk to them about what you’re reading, and what they’re reading. When you read together, make it a fun, positive experience.
Visit The Library Early And Often
Public libraries are a great resource for books, advice about other books and authors your child might enjoy, story times, and much more. Make visiting the local library a part of your family’s routine, and get your kids their own library card early.
Find Reading And Writing In Everyday Things
Take the time to show your ways some of the different ways that you use reading and writing in your everyday life. Grocery lists, notes to your spouse, maps, and cooking all involve important reading and writing skills. Let them help you with some of these tasks so they can practice their own literacy skills. For example, give them the grocery list and ask them to find the right items.
Give Them Something To Think And Talk About
There are lots of different books out there, so vary the kinds of books you offer your child, and vary the subjects they read about, so they have something new to think and talk about.
A child’s vocabulary grows through having conversations with other people. No matter how old your child is, narrate what you’re doing, talk in full sentences, and sprinkle your conversations with interesting words.
Know Your Stuff
You don’t need to be a reading specialist, but it is important to understand the basics of learning to read so you can help your child with the right skills, such as practicing phonics, getting your child to read aloud, or helping them to look up new words in the dictionary so they understand what they mean.