Lockdown is affecting us all and many people are worried about their health. Being stuck inside all of the time can potentially harm your physical and mental health in a lot of ways, and it’s important that you take steps to stay healthy. Most importantly, there are some behaviors and habits that you need to avoid during the lockdown because they can damage your physical and mental health. If you want to stay healthy during lockdown, make sure that you avoid these dangerous habits.
Alcohol and Drug Abuse
Alcohol and drug use are increasing during the lockdown for a few reasons. Firstly, if people are not working and they are not able to go out, they are more likely to drink or use drugs during the week. Secondly, a lot of people are using alcohol and drugs as a coping mechanism to deal with stress and mental health issues caused by the lockdown. However, it is very important that you avoid this because using alcohol and drugs can easily lead to addiction and you may even find yourself in need of a drug addiction rehab center when the lockdown is lifted. You need to find healthy ways to deal with your stress and make sure that you are limiting your alcohol intake and maintain the same levels that you would if you were not in lockdown.
Comfort Eating
When you are bored at home and maybe feeling a bit stressed or down about not being able to see friends and family, it’s easy to turn to food for comfort. Many people find themselves snacking more and comfort eating, and that’s not good. The lockdown could still last for a little while longer and if you are eating lots of junk food, you are likely to gain a lot of weight. It’s a lot easier to gain weight than it is to lose it, so you will be dealing with the after-effects of your comfort eating long after lockdown is lifted. It’s important that you take the time to cook fresh, healthy food, and find some healthy snack alternatives so you don’t end up eating junk all of the time.
Lack Of Exercise
Many of us are finding it hard to stay fit and healthy during the lockdown because it’s hard to stay active. When you can’t get out to go to the gym and you are not moving much at all, it’s easy to gain weight. But it’s important that you don’t give up on exercise completely and you find ways to stay fit around the house. There are plenty of great exercise videos online that you can do, so make sure that you get into a good routine.
Reading The News Constantly
It’s understandable that people want to know what is going on and you do need to make sure that you are up to date with the latest guidelines about the lockdown, but make sure that you aren’t reading the news constantly. If you spend all day looking at facts and figures about the number of people that have been affected, all of the negativity will take its toll and have a big impact on your mental health. It’s best to check the news once or twice a day and stay away from it for the rest of the day.
You need to avoid these bad habits during the lockdown because they can have a big impact on your physical and mental health.