With everyone now living in lockdown, it’s a very worrying and confusing time. Especially when it comes to your health and fitness and how you are supposed to maintain it or still improve it. It’s important to remember to still look after yourself even though it may be a little more difficult or you have to adapt your existing routine for it to work. However, it is possible and you can still achieve your goals.
Let’s have a look at some of the key ways you can keep yourself fit and healthy during the lockdown:
Your Food And Drink
It’s very tempting to eat badly now that we are all in lockdown. Unhealthy food is quick and easy and even more tempting now that we’re not out and about all the time. However, on the flip side, we now have more time to prepare and cook food and there fewer takeaway options for us to consume, meaning, that is you really put your mind to it you can eat an even healthier diet than you were before. In order for you to have a strong immune system, your diet and water intake needs to be top-notch so make sure you are drinking the right daily amount of water and eating a well- balanced diet.
Your Prescriptions
For many people, regular medication is a part of everyday life, which means you still need to have these when you are in lockdown. This is one of the reasons that you are allowed to leave your home. More than 15 million prescriptions for things like Zantac are prescribed each year, so taking that into consideration with other prescription needs, there is going to be a fair few people needing to leave their home to collect them from the pharmacy. Remember to keep safe, try to limit the number of times you need to visit by asking if you could possibly collect a larger amount and always adhere to the social distancing rules.
Daily exercise is another good reason for you to leave your home through the lockdown, you could also consider working out at home. Exercise is a natural endorphin, so it will also help to lift your mood through this difficult time. Try to get at thirty minutes of exercise five days of the week. We are allowed to leave our homes for exercise for an hour each day as long as we adhere to social distancing, it’s perfectly fine. Getting outdoors will also help to keep you in good spirits.
Keep In Touch
We are all having to keep in touch with our family and friends in a different way at the moment, by using things like social media, phone calls, and Zoom. Yes, it is different and a little strange compared to going to spending quality time with those that you hold close, however, keeping in touch is still important. Especially when it comes to your mental health.
These four key areas will help to keep you fit and healthy throughout the lockdown. Do you have anything that you are doing that could also help? Please share them in the comments below.