Walt Disney Animation Studios’ TANGLED, continues on DVD with the new adventure TANGLED BEFORE EVER AFTER! Rapunzel (Mandy Moore) yearns to make up for lost time. With the help of her true love Eugene (Zachary Levi), pals Pascal and Maximus and daring new friend Cassandra, Rapunzel postpones her wedding and royal duties to defy danger and boldly explore life beyond Corona’s walls.
This movie is filled with fun, adventure and entertaining music from the legendary Alan Menken with additional cast members including Eden Espinosa as Cassandra, Julie Bowen as Rapunzel’s mother Queen Arianna, and Clancy Brown as Rapunzel’s father, King Frederic. The DVD release also includes 4 Tangled Short Cuts: Checkmate, Prison Bake, Make Me Smile and Hare Peace.
TANGLED BEFORE EVER AFTER is so good…for those of us who loved TANGLED, this one is a bonus! My kids and I thoroughly enjoyed watching this movie and once again, Disney has provided us with a magical experience.
Be on the look-out for TANGLED BEFORE EVER AFTER on April 11, 2017!
Disclosure: I received the above DVD for review, however, all opinions are entirely my own.