Finding out your pregnant may be overwhelming. Whether you’re single or in a relationship, an unexpected pregnancy can be a life-changing event that you may feel you’re not prepared for. Below are three abortion alternatives, that can give your baby a chance at a wonderful life.
1. Parenting
As soon as you find out you’re pregnant, you may decide to raise the child on your own. Whether you’ll co-parent or become a single parent, with a good support system, you can be successful, and you and your baby can thrive as you take on this new adventure together.
2. Adoption
One of the most common alternatives, when an unexpected pregnancy occurs, is adoption. With adoption, there are many aspects to consider. Do you want to have an open or closed adoption? Are you wanting to have contact with your child throughout their life? Or would you rather not have updates on their progress? Do you want to go through an adoption agency, or will you choose the adoptive family and have a direct placement adoption? You may want to look into adoption agencies that provide housing to assist you during your pregnancy.
3. Guardianship
Another option you may want to consider is a guardianship. With a guardianship, you enter a legal agreement with those you’ve chosen to be guardians. You may still obtain some legal rights to your child, even though they’ll be raised by others. Guardianships can be a temporary or permanent agreement depending on the party’s wishes. If this sounds like an alternative that may work for you, contact a lawyer to find out how to get started.
An unexpected pregnancy can be a life-changing event but know that you’re not alone. You may want to consult with a lawyer, counselor and support system as you consider your options. There are many options out there that can set you and your baby on the path to a wonderful life.