Trying to lose weight is the struggle of most people in the 21st century. Losing weight can be a long road of confusing diets and exercises that most of the time seems to do nothing! It’s very difficult to know what to do with hundreds of different fad diets and exercise routines being thrown around, all of them wasting your time and not getting you anywhere. If you want to lose weight and are sick of nonsense diets and exercising, keep reading on to find something that is of actual use!
Exercise And Diet, What You Need To Know
Before we get into the methods of losing weight, it is very important to know that weight loss is most often done by combining these two things together. You must understand the relationship between having a proper diet and exercising correctly in order to lose weight as nutrition is the key to a healthy body and nucific is there to help guide you on the path to better health with quality supplements. Weight is caused by an excess of glucose in your system, which is the monosaccharide that all of our cells use as a respiratory material. Basically, it allows us to move! If you don’t eat correctly and just exercise your body won’t burn what you want it to, and if you eat but don’t exercise you will find you get very little results at a large expense because your body isn’t doing anything with its energy. You lose weight by burning your fat which is an energy store, so you need to be doing the right exercises and eating the right foods that allow for just fat to be burned, which lets you lose weight! Now that is out of the way, let’s have a look at some of the things you can do to lose those few pounds!
Fasting Diets
These are short-term diets that can benefit you greatly in terms of weight loss. Fasting means to not eat, and whilst it sounds a bit silly having a word that means “not eat” right next to a word that means “what you eat”, these diets can be super effective. The way they work is that they take out all of the unnecessary items of food that we all eat until our diet is at the very barebones of being sustainable, and then after a few days you start eating as normal again! For the few days of eating much less, you are to consume only nutritious foods such as fruits and meats, in very small amounts. This means that your body still gets everything it needs nutritionally, but it is forced to break into your fat stores for energy! Fat can be burned as a form of energy, and so when your body has very little carbohydrates to burn it uses fat instead. These diets are however not to be done for extended periods of time, they are short diets and should not be done for too long because your body will eventually run of fat to burn! For short-term weight loss though, you cannot beat these diets, so if you want to find out more, continue reading:
Cardio and Weightlifting
Both of these two forms of exercise have their own benefits and their own drawbacks, both of which will be covered here! Let’s cover cardio first. Cardio is anything that gets your heart pumping and involves a lot of breathing, things like running, biking, and swimming. These are excellent for weight loss, but can also have no result at all depending on intensity. To burn fat your body actually needs the time to do so, which means that the exercise you have to do must be sustained over a given period of time. Long-distance running at a mild pace is excellent for this as it allows your body time to burn through your energy stores and then start going to work on your fat stores. However if you do sprint, or another form of high-intensity exercise then your body won’t have time to burn your fat stores, getting you nowhere. Classes like Spinning are a very good way to get your cardiovascular system pumping and losing your weight at the same time, definitely something to consider! Weightlifting is the other side of the coin. Many people are ushered away from weights because they think you will put on unwanted muscle, but this is not the case. Using large rep ranges and low weights means that muscle growth is not promoted, rather, your body is concentrated on the continual movement and burns through your fat stores to keep the exercise going! Look here for some recommended exercises for weight loss. The added benefit of this is that it tones your muscles slightly too, but it’s up to you to decide which one suits your needs more!
Medical Options
Sometimes a good diet and a good exercise routine doesn’t cut it if you have a medical condition that prevents you from doing either of these. Luckily, science has found a way to balance out this unfairness and offer everyone the ability to lose weight. You can buy weight loss medication from, active ingredients such as Orlistat. It works by stopping the production of natural lipase inhibitors, which is just a fancy way of saying it helps you break down fat in your body easier! This medical is readily available over the counter, however, you will have to get advice from your doctor about how long you should take these medicines for as they all differ in how much active ingredients they all have, you don’t want to be doing any damage to yourself by taking too much of it!
After reading this you will now be aware of the common different options for weight loss, but remember that unless it is the medical option, you have to combine both diet and exercise together. One on its own is not enough, you can achieve some results but putting the two together means that you get double the effectiveness, giving you the progress that you’re after and deserve! The only thing you need to do is to keep the weight off by keeping your diet and exercise routine up, which is probably the hardest bit! Everyone needs to keep a track of your weight, if you need a recommendation of which kind of weight scales to get, go no further than here!