Everyone gets pain from time to time – that is just a normal part of having a body. But if you want to look after yourself, it is a good idea to know what the pains you are experiencing mean, especially if there are some which you tend to get quite regularly. As long as they remain a mystery, you might accidentally put yourself in danger, or fail to care for a serious problem. In this post, we will look at some of the common bodily pains people experience, and what they really mean.
Lower Back
If you have ever experienced lower back pain, you will know it to be difficult to manage, and a huge impediment to your daily life. It’s the kind of pain that makes just moving around a real challenge, and you’ll want to get rid of the pain as soon as you can. In some cases, lower back pain could be sciatica; if so, you will find it beneficial to learn more about the condition, so that you can deal with it better. You shouldn’t ignore it, at least.
Aches & Chills
If you are getting a lot of aches and chills all over your body, this can be the result of a number of things. The most common cause is the flu. For most people, the flu is not going to be too much of a problem, but you do need to rest up and allow yourself to recover. Of course, aches and chills can also be indicative of anything that can give you fever, such as the coronavirus or a range of other illnesses. It’s a good idea to get tested for that just in case and to ensure that you get whatever medical help you might need in the meantime.
Random Flare-Ups
Next, let’s look at an important point that is often not talked about enough. You can often get pains in the body as a result of mental illness too, and this might be more common than you think. If you are getting random flare-ups of different types of body aches and pains, then it could be something to do with depression, anxiety, or related mental health concern. Of course, you should also seek to rule out any physical illnesses that might be causing the pain, but it’s important to remember that it is just as possible to be a mental problem.
Muscle Stiffness
If you experience this symptom, look out for some of its common neighboring symptoms: pain and fatigue. If all of these occur at once, the problem might be fibromyalgia, a chronic condition that may cause a lot of pain and ache, and which requires immediate treatment. It is believed that fibromyalgia results from the incorrect processing of pain messages in the central nervous system.
These are just some of the bodily pains that you should keep an eye on, should they occur. As long as you do that, you can continue to care for yourself and live a long and happy life.