Health and happiness go hand-in-hand. When you feel happy, you’re usually healthy. When you are healthy, you are happier. However, while the equation seems easy, achieving this health and happiness can be a lot easier said than done, can’t it? That is why we have put this guide together, to give you a helping hand. Considering that, let’s take a look at some of the different ways that you can achieve health and happiness. Small changes can make a very big difference overall, so do not overlook them.
Embrace the power nap – They are called power naps for a reason! There have been a number of studies that show people are more productive at work once they have taken a power nap. After all, a lack of sleep can be extremely detrimental to your health. Of course, your employer may not welcome the idea of napping in the workplace. It’s worth talking to them about it, mentioning health and safety and how a nap can boost productivity in the process. If you make yourself so valuable to the company that they won’t complain, your boss will surely allow a quick nap when needed.
Don’t overlook the help that is available – A lot of the time, we can be defensive when it comes to seeking help. Help comes in many different shapes and forms. For example, if you are someone who struggles with anxiety, you may see a therapist. If you are someone who has mobility issues, you may look into mobility aids. There are plenty of amazing aids that are extremely portable for those who are seniors. If you are someone who struggles academically, you may decide to take the help of a tutor. These are just a few examples of many! When help is available to you, you should take it! After all, it will make your life a lot easier and boost your quality of living. This is not something that you should frown upon. You should embrace it.
Help can also mean arranging regular checkups with your doctor and dentist. These types of appointments are necessary because they are there to not only ensure you are in optimal health but also catch anything that could become a problem later on early. Sue, you may be someone who never gets sick, but utilizing these resources and help are only of great benefit to yourself and will keep you feeling as healthy and happy as possible! After all, you are your first priority, and your health deserves to be put first at all times.
Drink an adequate amount of water – It’s important to drink between eight and ten glasses of water every day. This can be difficult while at work, so here are a few tips to help you out:
- Keep water nearby at all time
- Add fruit to your water and infuse it overnight to make it more exciting
- Track the amount of water you drink with an app
- Set an alarm on your phone to remind you to have a glass of water throughout the day
- Invest in a high-tech water bottle that does all of the hard work for you
Breathe deeply – If you are feeling under stress, whether you are at work or at home, it is a good idea to focus on your breathing. When stressed, people often take short gasps, instead of deep, long breaths. This becomes habitual over time, which results in you telling your body you are stressed, even if you aren’t. Consequently, you will keep calm if you breathe deeply. This also helps to make sure that your lungs and bloodstream are getting plenty of oxygen. This will get your brain working a lot more efficiently.
Take a walk after lunch – Taking a walk once you have had your lunch will not only improve your digestion, but it will also increase your mental acuity and regulate your blood sugar. Plus, it means that you will get a break from sitting if you have been spending your day at the computer working on advancing your business. Sitting is an inherently unnatural act for the human body to perform.
Spend time doing things that make you happy – You only get one life, and so it is important to spend more time doing the things that make you feel happy. Whether this means reading a book or watching your favorite TV program, it is a good idea to do one thing every day that makes you happy. By setting aside time to focus purely on things that make you feel good, both your happiness and your health will improve as a consequence of this.
Eat a big breakfast – You’re probably sick of hearing the phrase that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, but you’re going to hear it again because it really is. Eating a big breakfast is advisable because it will ensure that you fuel up early so that you have enough energy to make it through the morning. This means that you will be less likely to require that extra boost of sugar mid-morning.
Take the stairs – If your office is on the top floor, taking the lift may be the easy option, but taking the stairs will do much more for your health. If you are at the shopping center, instead of using the lift or the escalator, go for the stairs instead! You may not burn tons and tons of calories by doing this, but you will ensure your heart is working harder. This will improve your circulation and your overall health as a consequence. Plus, don’t be tempted to take two steps at a time, as you will burn significantly more energy if you take one step at a time instead.
Eat responsible portions – As mentioned earlier, eating a big breakfast is advised. But this doesn’t mean you should go back for second helpings, nor does it mean you should follow breakfast with a big lunch and dinner. It is all about being responsible in regards to portion control. The number of calories you consume should reflect how active you are being throughout that particular day.
So there you have it: some of the different ideas and suggestions that you can follow when it comes to boosting your health and happiness. When it comes to our health and happiness, it really is the small changes that make the biggest difference overall. Try the ideas that we have mentioned above and see what sort of difference they will make!